Wharton covers database TRACE
. TRACE consolidates transaction data for all
eligible corporate bonds - investment grade, high yield and convertible
debt. As a result, individual investors and market professionals can
access information on 100 percent of OTC activity representing over 99
percent of total U.S. corporate bond market activity in over 30,000
securities. Real-time price dissemination service .
Note: this particular database can provide massive output files (Terrabytes) as it covers data per click.
Example: Trace Bond Trades, company: Microsoft Corp, period: May 1st - June 30th 2013
Downloaded items:
One month of data of a single bond.
Output: (size: 282 KB, 4465 observations 8 variables; tab delimited TXT, preset in columns)
This is something to keep in mind, as data from a work set of companiers
over an extended period can provide enormous output data.
For opening your output file TXT, see this blog (click)
Basic information on financial databases: cook books, tips and tricks & economic news
This blog contains schematic easy to grasp - hands on - help in performing searches in economic databases, making work sets and making them inter-exchangeable between the databases.
* Disclaimer. I am not a finance professional. Most posts are the result of personal findings.
All presented images are scaled and can be enlarged to original size (click the picture).
* Disclaimer. I am not a finance professional. Most posts are the result of personal findings.
All presented images are scaled and can be enlarged to original size (click the picture).
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