Basic information on financial databases: cook books, tips and tricks & economic news

This blog contains schematic easy to grasp - hands on - help in performing searches in economic databases, making work sets and making them inter-exchangeable between the databases.

* Disclaimer. I am not a finance professional. Most posts are the result of personal findings.

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Concatenate when converting CUSIP

CUSIP exists in three varieties
CUSIP 6 = Company (issuer)

CUSIP 8 = CUSIP 6 + issue (a CUSIP 8 always refers to one CUSIP 6, but CUSIP 6 can have more than one CUSIP 8)

CUSIP 9 = CUSIP 8 + check digit
Many databases need the CUSIP 9, but many databases use other CUSIPS

Conversions are inevitable.

The following Excel formulas could be useful:

Combining cells with CONCATENATE

Concatenate cells (in Dutch samenvoegen)


Dutch Excel



Same effect, other formula:

Given a table with two data columns



The formula is visible after the ƒx symbol and has to be filled in in Cell C1
With a space between the data:

=A1&" "&B1&"

NOTE: if this formula doesn't work because your opened file conflicts with Excel, try to download your output in Excel format and repair your company identifiers afterwards by adding the lost zeros. See this blog item

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